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Book Source appointed exclusive Barbados distributor of Scholastic’s groundbreaking Prime Mathematics™

Scholastic Inc. and Book Source are delighted to announce a partnership that provides Book Source with exclusive distribution rights for Scholastic’s Prime Mathematics™ in Barbados.

Scholastic’s Prime Mathematics™ is a world-class adaptation of the Primary Mathematics Project developed by Singapore’s Ministry of Education. The result is a comprehensive and proven approach to teaching and learning mathematics. It is currently successfully being used in over 100 schools in Jamaica, and elsewhere in the Caribbean in Trinidad, Turks and Caicos and Cayman Islands. Book Source is honored to have the opportunity to introduce this highly innovative program to Barbados.

Prime Mathematics™ explicitly employs the unique UPAC (Understand, Plan, Answer, Check) process for problem solving. It features the Concrete-Pictorial-Abstract approach when introducing new ideas to develop student conceptual understanding. Equally significant is that metacognition and mathematical thinking skills are developed as part of the learning process of each lesson, rather than being introduced in isolation.

Prime Mathematics™ contains an unrivalled level of teacher support to ensure the proven content is delivered successfully in the classroom. The program’s Teacher Guides are sufficiently prescriptive to benefit inexperienced teachers, yet are appropriately paced for experienced professionals to allow all to learn as they teach. Detailed lesson notes provide guidance on lesson. The unique Implementation Guide allows teachers to transition students into the program from other mathematics programs, and thus address skill gaps that may ordinarily create a delay.

Education systems worldwide are seeking alternative mathematical pedagogies with proven results to improve achievement in all students. Singapore has consistently topped the Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS) from 1995 to 2011.

Book Source is the exclusive supplier of all Prime Mathematics™ Course Books, Practice Books, and Teacher’s Guides in Barbados.

To learn more, visit, or contact Erica Hinkson at (246) 231-2712.
